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Entrance fee for vehicles! Remember to buy Jūrmala entry pass from February 1.

1 min. clinic

  • 1.January - 31.December

  • By prior appointment
1 min. clinic
1 min. clinic
1 min. clinic
1 min. clinic

1 min. Clinic is a modern and convenient health clinic, which offers its customers a wide range of health and medical services, an excellent selection of medical assistants and an extensive range of medical manipulations. It is the first medical institution in Latvia where the doctor focuses on adapting to the patient's abilities and needs, providing immediate outpatient care as soon as such a need becomes relevant to the client.

We combine modernity, speed and quality in medical care, where every patient can receive an effective medical service at the time that best fits your needs. We have developed a unique and convenient way to apply for a visit, which provides access to a medical specialist every day from 7:00 to 23:00.

Our goal is to provide quality service to the whole family together, to receive medical care in a timely and convenient manner, and a sense of security, as we are available seven days a week. We always ensure that the patient is satisfied with the healthcare they receive

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